Maxine’s Australian Adult Industry Awards® has been in operation every year since 2001**. The A.A.I.A® have at all times been owned by Maxine Fensom & FORTYFIFTH SHERLOCK PTY. LIMITED. It has been and remains to date the only official Australian Adult Industry Awards that has handed out awards aimed at our industry.
We are pleased to announce that the A.A.I.A® will be held next on Thursday, 26 May 2022. We look forward to welcoming you then for another amazing event.
Nominations are now open and we invite you to submit your nominations for the award categories, as listed on the A.A.I.A® official website www.adultawards.com.au, via the site’s web form.
We understand there has been some confusion of late in regards to our branding and trademarks. Please be advised that we are the true and original operators of the A.A.I.A® and are taking all actions necessary to address these matters.
In the meantime, please note that no others have the authorisation of or an affiliation with the Australian Adult Industry Awards – A.A.I.A®. Such persons are now neither authorised or endorsed by Maxine Fensom or FORTYFIFTH SHERLOCK PTY. LIMITED in any way to act on their behalf to host these prestigious awards.
Should you have paid any monies to any person or companies other than Maxine Fensom or FORTYFIFTH SHERLOCK PTY. LIMITED for sponsorships in relation to the A.A.I.A®, you are encouraged to consider demanding an immediate refund of same. Such parties are not authorised to hold an entertainment event under the A.A.I.A® brand. If you want to sponsor the A.A.I.A®, please contact Maxine at [email protected] [email protected] and we will do everything we can to help.
* Nominations are now open! *
In other news however please note that nominations for 2022 are now open! We look forward to receiving and reviewing these soon!!
Should you wish to discuss the A.A.I.A® or sponsor the event for 2022, please contact Maxine via email at [email protected].
Other News
Finally, we wish to advise that as the owners of the A.A.I.A® we have now formed the view that we no longer endorse Jake Ryan and Jake Ryan Media Group as the winners of: Best Adult Website 2015 2016 and 2017, Best Aussie Porn Star 2016, Alpha Male 2015 and 2016, Best Touring Escort 2017, Best Personal Assistant 2016, or recognise these awards for the years abovementioned.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
** In 2020, the A.A.I.A® were not able to go ahead due to COVID.